Pearl Cinema Review - President Korean Drama 2010

    Just finished watching "President," a Korean drama released in 2010.
It is the story of a candidate Jang Il-Joon, played excellently by Choi - Soo-Jong.  It is a behind the scenes look at what happens when you decide to run for the highest office in the land.  Perhaps this movie had every thinkable sequence in it, from the murder, bribery, betrayal, lying, spying, attempted murder, broken promises, misunderstanding and the fast paced, stressful atmosphere of a campaign committee.

     But it was really fascinating.  There is enough twists and turns to keep you interested.  During the drama there are various references to American politics.  At first I thought they were talking about our fake news media and President Trump.  But this movie was produced in 2010 way before our news became fake.

     There are many great statements and lessons to be learned in the ugly world of politics. And those politicians who tried their best to be truthful and honest, found themselves embroiled in situations by their subordinates who were hired to help them win.

    The days of "Honest Abe," and debating of candidates in a fair and unbiased manner is probably long gone.  Rather agendas rule.  Money rules.  Political favor rules.  And, the fake news rules.

    At the end one wonders if it is really worth all the pain and trials running for the highest office in the land.  It only is, if you have nothing to lose.  Because loss is what happens many times. Loss of friends, loss of family, loss of promises, loss of finances and loss of principles.

    I recommend potential politicians to watch this movie and see if is possible for you to run an honest, non compromising, clean campaign for office.  If so, do it!  We need honest politicians who care more about the people then getting rich in office.  So many have come to office poor and out as millionaires and poor people of the nation are still poor.

    I give this movie five stars.



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